1 - Awareness raising and positive gender attitudes and behaviours modeling workshops
2 - Media, edutainment and public awareness campaigns
3 - Knowledge and skills training on legal frameworks and implementation
4 - Women’s leadership training
5 - Advocacy,lobbying and political campaigning
6 - Monitoring implementation of formal and informal laws
1 - Peer group strategies for mobilizing positive gender norms and modeling positive behavior
2 - Tipping points/building critical mass of supporters
3 - Women’s empowerment and leadership
4 - Legislative and policy change
1 - Training will increase the capacity of influencers to change or implement laws;
2 - Exposing influencers and youth to alternative gender norms and opportunities to reflect on and discuss these norms with peers will support attitude and behaviour change;
3 - Women and girls will become more active in demanding their rights if there are concomitant changes in the attitudes and behaviours of people around them;
4 - Advocating for changes in laws and rules can reinforce changes we are seeking in attitudes and behaviours;
5 - Strengthening of (formal and informal) accountability mechanisms at different levels makes clear the expected behaviour to which people will be held to account, and helps to sustain and reinforce positive behaviour change, including at individual (personal) responsibility and collective (political) responsibility.
1 - Connecting those who experience VAWG/CEF with quality social and legal services
2 - Awareness raising and leadership skills building targeting women and girls who have experienced violence
3 - Training women and girls who have experienced violence in economicand livelihood opportunities
4 - Financial support to services (shelters, counselling/psycho-social support, legalaid)
5 - Building capacity of key service providers to deliver quality social and legal services
1 - Women’s empowerment and leadership
2 - Women’s economic empowerment
3 - Modelling positive behaviour
1 - The quality of services can be improved through skills training and awareness raising to shift attitudes and behaviours of key service providers;
2 - Women’s awareness about available services will enable them to better access these services, particularly if concomitant community efforts shift attitudes about social acceptability of violence and reduce stigmatization of those who experience violence;
3 - Building life skills,especially economic and livelihood skills, builds women and girls’ independence and resilience, enabling them to make choices and control decisions about their lives
1 - Organizational capacity building (VAWG specific)
2 - Research, including participatory action research
3 - Synthesis And Dissemination Knowledge And learning(internal/external digital platforms)
4 - Methodology development of ICTs for real time feedback loop stomonitorsocialservicesand (formal and informal)policy implementation
5 - Convening and facilitating linkages and alliances
1 - Knowledge and evidence has a role to play and can be mobilized in support of fostering social change
2 - Collective power and social movements (especially women's rights organizations)
1 - Projects, advocacy and influencing can become more effective in reducing VAWG and prevalence if greater emphasis is placed on generating and using new research, best practice and learning;
2 - Improving capacity of project partners to design, implement and learn from VAWG initiatives contributes to more effective work to reduce VAWG and CEFM and is key to long term projects sustainability;
3 - By Modelling Accountability And Transparency, project partners take responsibility for and contribute to global accountability VAWG/CFEM;
4 - Collective power of alliances and networks,particularly of women's rights organizations,is critical for influencing lasting and long-term sustainable change.
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