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Flash Appeal from Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA)Public Trust
Enabling Relief through Safe Places,Education &
Life Skills Support
Agency/Organisation name:
Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA)Public Trust

Project title:

Enabling Relief through Safe Places, Education & Life Skills Support

  • To provide relief and rehabilitation to four villages and two camps immediately in AJK (Muzzafarabad and Bagh)
  • To design an integrated relief, safe play, life skills/health and inclusive education program through a consultative process with local beneficiaries and government/civil administration
  • To undertake area specific household survey to ascertain emergency needs for a transparent relief package. (Survey already underway)
  • To organize and register local youth groups for implementation of the program interventions with complete technical support by ITA teams
  • To provide training support to teachers and youth animators in education, care and lifeskills
  • To monitor the interventions through a database and monitoring system for easy updates and well integrated information system linked to the macro relief efforts for AJK

Beneficiaries: 15,000 (age groups 2-45 specifically & all ages)

Funding total requirements: US $ 250,000 @ US $17 per head

  • Assessment at household level and one general area/survey (already developed and in operation) - Two forms developed to ensure households needs and identity are clearly established for transparency and accountability (annex)
  • Institutional linkages and formal MoU with the Civil Administration and Government on nature and scope of work
  • Identification of local educated youth (girls and boys) to become the implementation agency/partners and ITA will provide the necessary technical know how and monitoring support .. The local committee comprising of youth will be registered with Social Welfare Department.
  • Interventions on relief, protection/education /special needs will be designed locally with the community and the respective departments of education.

Areas Selected for Action

Partiala and Akhariyala (20 kilometers from Muzaffarabad, near Garhi Dupatta) (annex map) Others to be selected

Camps to be selected in collaboration with UNICEF & Save the Children UK