South Asia Forum for Education Development South Asia Forum for Education Development
About Us - SAFED Structure

Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) as Coordinator of the Alliance for Education Development (AfED) has been assigned to take SAFED forward in its first phase (2006-2011). For that period, it will coordinate among the members of SAFED and other local, regional and international partners and affiliates. ITA also serves as SAFED's first secretariat. The secretariat is an independent registered body with core professionals who are exclusively focusing on the SAFED's agenda. Its core personnel are responsible for managing its governance, exploring and collecting information on key thematic issues, arranging regular meetings and bringing out newsletters.

SAFED is governed by a steering committee. The SAFED Steering Committee is a governing body for the coordination among all partners. The steering committee comprises of a representative from every county and has a total of 9 members. ITA is part of the initial steering committee. Every country chapter has been asked to nominate its representative. It is the responsibility of the representatives from each country to represent the national perspectives on thematic areas of focus. Two tiers of governance structures would be established; at the regional and national level. Guidelines would be provided to each chapter within the country.

   The governance mechanism will be horizontal and non-hierarchical with a minimum number of committees
   for expediting policy framework and implementation mechanisms to achieve the mission, goal and objectives
   of SAFED.  The members of Pakistan chapter will meet face-to-face at least once every year and online
   every quarter. A quorum    of at least 60% would be required for the meetings.
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