South Asia Forum for Education Development South Asia Forum for Education Development
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South Asia Forum for Education Development (SAFED) is being proposed to be set up as a network of active thinkers, policy makers, practitioners, researchers and financiers. It is meant to be learning and sharing belt for seeking creative solutions for emergent education bottlenecks and possibilities in the South Asian Region.

SAFED has been proposed within the context of the upcoming conference on Local Governance Texts and Contexts: Perspectives from South Asia (Feb. 1-2, 2006). Whilst this is a much desired outcome, it can only be achieved if there is a concurrence and meeting of minds about SAFED’s purpose, mission, membership, scope of work and governance.

Thus this endeavor should be seen as a process seeking maximum inputs for refinement and ownership. ITA and AfED are to be seen only as catalysts to promote the concept and its operational form.


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