

Pakistan Literacy Project

Idara e Taleem o Aagahi
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Pakistan Literacy Project

Supported by Room to Read (RtR), Pakistan Literacy Project (PLP) aims to develop literacy skills and  a habit of reading amongst primary school children in collaboration with the School Education Department (SED), Punjab. Implemented as a technical assistance project, PLP supports 34 primary school libraries and children’s book publishing in Pakistan.

With RtR’s approach of working in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations and governments around the world, the PLP team engage partners in a series of workshops, meetings, and capacity building workshops to transfer RtR’s knowledge and experiences in primary school libraries through a hands-on approach. We provide regular on-site support and monitoring to district and primary school implementers to ensure the sustainability of the primary school libraries

Key interventions

Establishment of Libraries:

Establishment of child friendly standalone libraries in 24 primary schools (12 in Bahawalpur and 12 in Lahore) and classroom library corners in 10 additional schools (05 in Bahawalpur and 05 in Lahore).

Distribution of Books:

Provision of 600+ titles of child friendly colorful storybooks, selected by the Ideal Book Collection, across each partner school,,benefiting around 10,000 primary grade students.

28 Adapted storybooks:

Translation of 28 titles (list attached), adapted from Room to Read into different local languages of Pakistan which includes Urdu, Sindhi, Dari, and Pashto languages, distributed to 4,443 schools as well as communities through local education networks benefiting more than 1,138,766 students.

  • Prepared and shared Read Aloud videos/audios of the adapted stories for wider outreach across Pakistan through Tele School, TV, Radio programs and influencers/storytellers.
Capacity Building:

Capacity building of district and primary school implementers (e.g., district officers, teachers, librarians and principals) through trainings, workshops, refreshers and regular on-site support and monitoring to effectively establish and manage quality libraries in their schools.

Ongoing Support:

Ongoing support to district and primary school implementers through monitoring and coaching to ensure the sustainability of the previously established 24 primary school libraries and classroom library corners in 10 additional schools.

Strengthening the Publishing industry:

Development of 15 culturally relevant, age-appropriate storybook titles in local language/s for children in Pakistan while simultaneously strengthening the book publishing industry through author and illustrator workshops.