Accelerating Implementation of Right to Education (Article 25-A) and SDG 4 as Social Justice
Understanding the need to track the progress made by the federal and provincial governments on SDG 4 and Right to Education, ITA is assisting the respective school education departments in the provinces of Punjab, Sindh and KP and at the federal level to inform the policy-making process.
Develop nationwide annual credible RTE 25 A & SDG 4 indicators-based education report cards through partnerships for accelerating implementation as social justice
a) Short Term: Official SDG 4 and Right to Education (RTE)/Article 25 A thematic report cards will be generated and developed to be fully owned by the government through partnerships with parliamentarians, youth, and civil society for SDG 4 & 17 (education and partnerships).
b) Medium Term: SDG 4/RTE evidence based report cards will inform provincial, national and global formal forums and all citizens of Pakistan through active advocacy synergies on progress /challenges.
c) Long Term: Report Cards on RTE and SDG 4 will become a national public good for all citizens owned, evolved and produced through partnerships across government and civil society for accountability and action for social justice.
- Handbook on Article 25-A (Right to Education) & SDG 4
- Pakistan VNR 2019 – Disability Perspective Report (Draft – 13 Dec 2018)
- Toolkit – Tracking SDG 4 & RTE in Pakistan
- Training Manual for Article 25-A & SDG-4
Consultative Sessions, Trainings & Presentations
- Article 25-A, SDG 4 & Role of the Legal Fraternity
- Consultative Session on Accelerating Implementation of Article 25-A (RTE) in Punjab
- Consultative Session on Accelerating Implementation of the Punjab Free and Compulsory Education (PFCE) – Punjab (Action Points)
- Consultative Session on RTE & SDG 4 Tracking in KP
- Consultative Session on RTE & SDG 4 Tracking in Punjab
- Consultative Session on SDG 4, 25-A and HLPF – Punjab (29 May 2019 – Lahore)
- Consultative Session on the implementation of RTE and SDG 4 in Sindh
- Parliamentary Procedures & Parliament’s Role on Ensuring Article 25-A – Right to Education, Dec 12
- Training on Right to Education, SDG 4 and the Role of the Legal Fraternity (13 Dec 2019)